The following review kicks off an NBCC partnership with Baristanet, a place blog run in New Jersey by former New York Times columnist Debbie Galant, the idea being to bring reviews to places where they haven't been before. In the future, these reviews will hopefully be rolled out to the more than 6,000 placeblogs around the world. The NBCC's role will be to help choose the books and the reviewer pairings, and to help edit the copy as it comes in. To read more, follow at the jump below.
LIKE HER FIRST NOVEL, the spectacularly successful “The Lovely Bones,” “The Almost Moon” begins with a murder. This time, Sebold really hits the ground running. “When all is said and done,” the new book begins, “killing my mother was easy.” The hard part comes afterward. Those who loved the “Lovely Bones” will find much here that is familiar, including the suburban Pennsylvania setting, a gentle, tormented father and a beautiful, distant mother. But the earlier book's sweetness and lightness of touch are in short supply.
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