Criticism & Features

NBCC Reads

Come Talk About the NBCC’s Good Reads


Over the next month, the National Book Critics Circle is hosting 15 events in 15 cities, from Washington, DC to Dallas, Philadelphia to Raleigh, Seattle and beyond to talk about the winter edition of the NBCC’s Good Reads, as well as recommendations at large, reading, what to read, awards, and our recently released book prize shortlist. Tonight, February 5th, you can catch this discussion on both coasts (in Miami and Los Angeles). Here are the details:

Books and Books (pictured above)
265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables
8:30 PM: (305) 442-4408
wine reception at 8 PM

Come hear recent NBCC finalist Edwidge Danticat with novelists Ana Menendez and Diana Abu-Jaber, and NBCC members Chauncey Mabe & Connie Ogle as they talk about how they pick what to read, and the recommendations which have mattered to them (or annoyed them) over the years.

Los Angeles
Skylight Books
1818 N. Vermont Ave.
7:30 PM: (323) 660-1175

Join NBCC winning poet Amy Gerstler with novelists Katherine Taylor and Darcy Cosper, member critic Veronique de Turenne, and host (and NBCC member) Mark Sarvas for a discussion about reading, recommendations and how books travel one person to the next.