Over the next month, the National Book Critics Circle is hosting 15 events in 15 cities, from Washington, DC to Dallas, Philadelphia to Raleigh, Seattle and beyond to talk about the winter edition of the NBCC’s Good Reads, as well as recommendations at large, reading, what to read, awards, and our recently released book prize shortlist. Tonight, February 6th, you can catch this discussion in Cambridge, MA, at the Brattle Theater, sponsored by Harvard Bookstore. Here are the details:
Harvard Bookstore
at the Brattle Theatre
40 Brattle Street, Cambridge MA
6:00 PM: (617) 661-1515
Join NBCC finalist and Harvard professor Steven Pinker, novelist and former NBCC finalist Leslie Epstein, and poet, board member and Balakian award winning critic Maureen McLane in a discussion about reading and recommending, moderated by former board member and Boston Globe writer, David Mehegan.