Members and friends, we hope you’re having a good summer! We’d like to invite all of you to a panel discussion led by NBCC board member Adam Dalva on labor and literary criticism. The event, co-sponsored by the NBCC, the Freelance Solidarity Project/National Writers Union, and the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, features critics E. Tammy Kim, Nora Caplan-Bricker, Zoe Hu, and Jennifer Wilson, who will be talking about labor, class, and how they impact the work of book reviewing. Please join us on Aug. 10 at 7 pm Eastern — you can find more information here!
We’d also like to encourage you to join the official NBCC member Slack! It’s a great way to connect to your fellow members and talk about a variety of literary topics. You can sign up here, and if you need help accessing it, feel free to email NBCC Vice President/Membership Chelsea Leu at membership@bookcritics.org. We hope to see you there!
Member Reviews/Essays
Susan Shapiro wrote about how Barbie has always been subversive for Salon.
NBCC board member Rebecca Morgan Frank reviewed seven July poetry collections for Literary Hub.
For the Letras Latinas Blog 2, Alfredo Aguilar and Laura Villareal reviewed City Without Altar by Jasminne Mendez.
NBCC board member May-lee Chai reviewed The Apology by Jimin Han for the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Hamilton Cain reviewed Richard Russo’s Somebody’s Fool for The New York Times Book Review and Prudence Peiffer’s The Slip for The Wall Street Journal.
NBCC board member Jacob M. Appel reviewed The Kirschbaum Lectures by Seth Rogoff for Heavy Feather Review.
Linda Hitchcock reviewed Laura Lippman’s Prom Momand Sabine Durrant’s Sun Damagefor BookTrib.
Ilana Masad reviewed Donovan X. Ramsey’s When Crack Was Kingand Mai Nguyen’s Sunshine Nailsfor NPR, and Shannon Bowring’s The Road to Daltonfor The Portland Press Herald.
NBCC Vice President/Technology and Membership Chelsea Leu reviewed Yan Ge’s Elsewhere for The Guardian, and wrote about seven books that might make you want to learn a new skill for The Atlantic.
Charles Green reviewed Patrick E. Horrigan’s American Scholar for Blueink Review.
Christopher Lancette reviewed David Lipsky’s The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial for the Washington Independent Review of Books.
Jonathan Marks reviewed Patrick Deneen’s Regime Change for The Dispatch.
Former NBCC board member Tess Taylor reviewed The Translations of Seamus Heaney, edited by Marco Sonzogni, for The New York Times Book Review.
Member Interviews
Ilana Masad interviewed Ruth Madievsky about her novel All-Night Pharmacy for Them.
Nicole Graev Lipson interviewed JoAnna Novak, author of Contradiction Days: An Artist on the Verge of Motherhood, for The Millions.
NBCC Vice President/Emerging Critics Fellowship and Online Michael Schaub interviewed Holding Pattern author Jenny Xie for the Orange County Register.
“Another Bookstore Cat” by texasgurl is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.