Members, remember to check your inbox for a ballot for the upcoming special election for a vacant seat on the NBCC board! Please be sure to cast your vote by May 10. Thanks so much for all your support, and as always, thanks for reading!
Member Reviews/Essays
Stephanie Gorton reviewed Inconceivable by Valerie Bauman and Doing It All by Ruby Russell for The New Republic.
Priscilla Gilman reviewed The Limits by Nell Freudenberger for The Boston Globe.
Nicole Yurcaba’s review of Megan Buskey’s Ukraine Is Not Dead Yet appeared in Poland’s New Eastern Europe.
NBCC board member Lauren LeBlanc reviewed Kaliane Bradley’s The Ministry of Timefor the Los Angeles Times.
Lynnell Edwards’ review of West: A Translation by Paisley Rekdal was published in the Spring issue of Good River Review.
NBCC board member Rebecca Morgan Frank’s May poetry column is live at Literary Hub.
Heather Treseler reviewed April Gibson’s The Span of a Small Forever and Alice Notley’s Being Reflected Upon for the Los Angeles Review of Books.
NBCC lifetime member Fran Hawthorne reviewed The Mother Act by Heidi Reimer for the New York Journal of Books.
Samantha Neugebauer reviewed Shannon Robinson’s debut collection, The Ill-Fitting Skin, for Painted Bride Quarterly.
Douglas C. MacLeod, Jr. reviewed PrimeLife Wellness’ 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniorsfor The Feathered Quill, Martin Woessner’s Terrence Malick and the Examined Life for Bright Lights Film Journal, and Robert Turner’s Creating a Culture of Repair: Taking Action on the Road to Reparationsfor Today’s American Catholic.
In The Brooklyn Rail, John Domini praised the latest novel from Mauro Javier Càrdenas, American Abductions.
Linda Hitchcock reviewed John Shen Yen Nee and SJ Rozan’s The Murder of Mr. Ma for BookTrib.
Charles Green reviewed Kyle Thomas Smith’s François for Blueink Review.
Alexander Pyles reviewed Rebekah Bergman’s The Museum of Human Historyfor Full Stop, Octavia Cade’s You are My Sunshine and Other Stories by for takahē magazine, and Allyson McOuat’s The Call Is Coming from Inside the House for the Chicago Review of Books.
Jake Casella Brookins reviewed Sofia Samatar’s The Practice, the Horizon, and the Chain for the Chicago Review of Books, and for Locus, Robert Jackson Bennett’s The Tainted Cup and Moses Osi Utomi’s The Truth of the Aleke.
Tiffany Troy reviewed Norman Finkelstein’s Further Adventures for the Colorado Review.
Diane Scharper reviewed The Forbidden Daughter: The True Story of a Holocaust Survivor by Zipora Klein Jakob for the Washington Examiner.
Nell Beram reviewed four books for Shelf Awareness: The Girl From the Grand Hotel by Camille Aubray; The Last Word by Elly Griffiths; Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma by Claire Dederer; and The Tony Awards: A Celebration of Excellence in Theatre by Eila Mell.
Heidi Seaborn wrote about three poets (Victoria Chang, Lauren Camp, and Brian Teare) with Agnes Martin-themed collections for The Adroit Journal.
Robert Allen Papinchak reviewed the names of the things that were there.by Antonio Skarmeta, translated by Curtis Bauer, for World Literature Today.
Abby Frucht wrote about a past encounter with a visiting poet for Stat®rec.
Karl Wolff reviewed Munir Hachemi’s Living Things at The Driftless Area Review.
Yvonne C. Garrett reviewed Elizabeth O’Connor’s Whale Fall for The Brooklyn Rail.
Brian Tanguay reviewed Women! In! Peril! by Jessie Ren Marshall for the California Review of Books.
Member Interviews
For Kirkus Reviews, former NBCC President Tom Beer spoke with Colm Tóibín about his new novel, Long Island.
Charles Green interviewed Patrick E. Horrigan, author most recently of American Scholar, for The Gay & Lesbian Review.
NBCC Vice President/Secretary Colette Bancroft talked to Lauren Groff about The Lynx, her new bookstore in Gainesville, Florida, for the Tampa Bay Times.
NBCC board member Lauren LeBlanc talked to Kathleen Hanna about her new book, Rebel Girl, for the Los Angeles Times.
Natalia Holtzman interviewed journalist Tracie McMillan about her latest book, The White Bonus: Five Families and the Cash Value of Racism in America, for Concentrate Media.
Grant Faulkner interviewed Elwin Cotman about his new collection of stories, Weird Black Girls, on the Write-minded podcast.
Member News
Lynnell Edwards’ sixth collection of poetry, The Bearable Slant of Light, was published on April 23 by Red Hen Press.
Rod Davis, former NBCC board member, received a Kirkus review of his new novel, The Life of Kim and the Behavior of Men, describing it as “a moving and well-written war drama.” The release date is July 16. Other reviews still welcome.
“Biblioteca Vasconcelos” by Zach Korb is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.