

Around the World with Matthea Harvey


Board member and Balakian winner David Orr reviews Modern Life in the Times.

Heather Caldwell reviews the volume for Bookforum.

You can read Harvey’s work here, here, here, here and here.

Weston Cutter interviews Matthea Harvey for Bookslut.
You can find another short interview here.

Tyler Meier blogs about one of Matthea Harvey’s readings at the Kenyon Review.

NBCC member Daniel Nester reviews “Modern Life” for TimeOut New York.

Harvey interviews the painter Kara Walker, who inspired a poem in a previous book, in Bomb. She also talks to her sister—the artist Ellen Harveyhere.

There’s a short review of Modern Life in the Brooklyn Rail.

A poetry book club member wrote this poem, inspired by reading “Modern Life.”