Critical Mass

New Orleans Times-Picayune Book Pages Update


New Orleans Times Picayune book editor and NBCC member Susan Larson sends this update on the changes in her newspaper’s book pages as reported in our December 30 post:

There’s been a minor glitch in the debut of “The Reading Life,” which will now make its debut next Wednesday, which will in future be its regular day. Wednesday was regarded internally as a better day for the section for strategic reasons. We’ll have announcements on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and on Wednesday, watch for our first section—which will include a large package about New Orleans reading groups, the introduction of our movers and shakers column, as well a weekly books-in-store feature, and the return of the New York Times bestseller list, which will be the first in a rotating series of lists in the future. In addition, readers will be seeing a larger presence for books on our Web site, The Times-Picayune stands by its commitment to book coverage—with our long history of fine writing, our lively literary culture, and the continued post-Katrina focus on our area, we have even more to write about!