Video: Criticism and Social Justice

By David Varno

Last month, the NBCC asked some of its most acclaimed member-critics what it means to be a critic alongside a world in flux. Panelists included Ruth Franklin, who won last year's NBCC

Video: NBCC Awards Ceremony for Award Year 2017

By David Varno

March 15, 2018, The New School, New York, NY Welcome: Luis Jaramillo, Interim Director, The New School Writing Program  Opening Remarks: Kate Tuttle, President, National Book Critics Circle John Leonard

Video: Finalists Reading for Award Year 2017

By David Varno

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018, the night before the awards ceremony, many of the finalists read from their work at the New School  Here is the complete video. See below for order of

Zadie Smith Gives “Dance Lessons for Writers”

By David Varno

Walton Muyumba reviewed Zadie Smith's latest collection of essays Feel Free for the Los Angeles Times. Katherine A. Powers' monthly audiobooks reviews for the Washington Post included No Justice, in which a black man shot by a white police