NBCC Secrets of Publishing Panel

By Jane Ciabattari

Join us for this bookend to the Brooklyn Book Fair: NBCC Secrets of Publishing Panel  7 pm to 9 pm September 18, 2013 Barnes and Noble Park Slope. 267 Seventh

NBCC/ZYZZYVA Summer Party in San Francisco

By Jane Ciabattari

  (From left) Jane Ciabattari, Oscar Villalon, Tess Taylor, Shane Book The NBCC's third annual summer cocktail party at Zyzzyva's offices in San Francisco hit a hot spell, no fog,

Notes on the NBCC’s VIDA panel

By Laurie Stone

Guest post from Laurie Stone, who wrote this following the NBCC VIDA panel on May 29. These are some thoughts prompted by the NBCC panel on the VIDA metrics concerning