Lia Purpura’s “On Looking”

By Kevin Prufer

Today's posts will focus on Lia Purpura's “On Looking,” a finalist for the 2006 NBCC Award in criticism.  ON LOOKING IS A HARD BOOK TO CATEGORIZE. Lia Purpura's sense of

Around the World with Fred Seidel

By John Freeman

In honor of Frederick Seidel, today's round-up will focus on his 2006 NBCC finalist volume, “Ooga-Booga.”   After reading “Oooga-Booga,” Adam Kirsch believes Seidel might just be the best living American

The Ivan Sandrof Life Achievement Award


The National Book Critics Circle is currently soliciting paragraphs of nomination from our members for the annual Ivan Sandrof Life Achievement Award. The award recognizes a dedication to book culture