Critical Library: William Gass

By William Gass

In this ongoing series, Critical Mass asks critics to name five books that should be found in any reviewer's library. Unable to settle on five, here are six books suggested

Small Press Spotlight: Rachel Hadas

By Rigoberto Gonzalez

Strange Relation: A Memoir of Marriage, Dementia, and Poetry, Paul Dry Books, 2011. Rachel Hadas is Board of Governors Professor of English at Rutgers University in Newark. She is the

From the Archives: Allen Barra on Wilfrid Sheed

By Jane Ciabattari

Allen Barra shares his admiration of Wilfrid Sheed, who died on Wednesday at 80, in this “In Retrospect” series essay on Sheed's “Essays in Disguise,” an NBCC finalist in criticism.

Critical Library: Geoff Dyer

By Eric Banks

In this ongoing series, Critical Mass asks critics to name five books that should be found in any reviewer's library. Unable to settle on five, here are seven titles suggested

Critical Library: Ruth Franklin

By Eric Banks

In this ongoing series, Critical Mass asks critics to name five books that should be found in any reviewer's library. Here are the titles suggested by Ruth Franklin, senior editor

What Can a Book Review Do for a Book?

By Jane Ciabattari

Here's what NBCC board member and 2009 criticism finalist Stephen Burt had to say about book reviews at Talk of the Stacks, the November 3 reading by NBCC awardees in