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Brooklyn Book Festival: A Bookend Event with Debut Authors

John Leonard Prize winners and nominees Torrey Peters, Larissa Pham, and Kirstin Valdez Quade join the National Book Critics Circle to talk about what happens after the debut. How have their careers changed? What are they working on now? What are some problems they've encountered as they've begun to contemplate what's next? Moderated by NBCC

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Criticism in Isolation: An NBCC Craft Panel


  Criticism in Isolation looks at one book, reviewed from multiple angles, to put readers in the minds of critics and showcase the many different ways to write a review. In this discussion, critics discuss their approach to reviewing Margo Jefferson’s Constructing a Nervous System. Register here: Our panelists include: Walton Muyumba, Former NBCC

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2022 NBCC Awards Finalists Announcement

Wildbound Live

Join us as we announce our finalists for the 2022 NBCC Awards—in fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, and criticism—as well as for the John Leonard Prize for the best first book in any genre, the Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing, the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award and Toni Morrison Achievement Award, and the

Trans Literature Now: A Panel Discussion


“Trans Literature Now” invites experts from different sectors of the literary business for an interdisciplinary conversation about living, writing, reading, and publishing trans life today. Kay Gabriel, C. Riley Snorton, Denne Michele Norris, Casey Plett, and Neon Yang will be in discussion with moderator Jo Livingstone. Co-sponsored by the National Book Critics’ Circle and Barnard’s

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Say The Right Thing


In this NBCC Zoom event, two NYU scholars—and the authors of the forthcoming book Say the Right Thing: How to Talk About Identity, Diversity, and Justice—argue that sweeping legal changes aren’t the only way to make our country more fair and inclusive. It’s also day-to-day, person-to-person conversations that can move an entire society toward a brighter

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The National Book Critics Circle Presents Honorée Fanonne Jeffers and Namwali Serpell, Moderated by Jane Ciabattari

Ballroom 2 & 3, Level 5, Seattle Convention Center

A literary partner featured event focused on two National Book Critics Circle's honorees who work in multiple genres, moderated by NBCC VP/Events Jane Ciabattari, featuring NBCC Fiction Award winner Honorée Fanonne Jeffers and NBCC Criticism finalist Namwali Serpell. They'll focus on writing in multiple genres (both write innovative fiction and cultural criticism; Jeffers also is

NBCC Awards

The New School Auditorium 66 West 12th St, New York, NY, United States

After three years of virtual awards ceremonies, the National Book Critics Circle will return to the New School for an in-person awards ceremony on March 23, 2023, followed by a reception sponsored by International Literary Properties. We're so excited to join together and celebrate once again! First, on March 22, we will hold a virtual

What Makes a Critic?

Residence Inn Berkeley - Ballroom 2 2121 Center St, Berkeley, CA, United States

Much has changed in the world of letters since 1890, when Oscar Wilde famously wrote that “the critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.” These days, when Goodreads reviews and social media takedowns outnumber dwindling book review publications and shrinking newspaper book pages, what role does professional criticism still

Labor and Literary Criticism: A Panel Discussion


Please join critics E. Tammy Kim (The New Yorker), Nora Caplan-Bricker (Jewish Currents), Zoe Hu (Bookforum, Dissent) and Jennifer Wilson (The New York Times) for a conversation about labor, class, and how they impact the work of book reviewing. NBCC board member Adam Dalva will lead the discussion, asking these critics about some of their

Barrios Book in Translation Roundtable


The NBCC is honored to bring together the translators of 5 of the 6 finalists for the inaugural Gregg Barrios Book in Translation Prize in a panel discussion about the art and craft of translation. Our panelists include Jennifer Croft, Boris Dralyuk, Mara Faye Lethem, Christina MacSweeney, and Mark Polizzotti. The discussion will be moderated

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NBCC Panel: Authors on Climate Change

On November 8, 2023, the NBCC hosted a Zoom panel discussion featuring authors of several newly released books about climate change, arguably the preeminent issue of our time. Our panelists—David Gessner, Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, Premee Mohamed, Christopher Preston, and Elizabeth Rush—covered topics from the authors’ own intersections with climate change to the literary market’s appetite for

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AWP 2024: How Book Reviewing is Changing and Why it Matters

Room 3501 EF, Kansas City Convention Center, Level 3

Like everything in publishing, book reviews are in flux, with mainstream venues reducing reviews in exchange for fawning interviews and book roundups that feel like marketing fluff pieces. This panel of book critics will discuss why they write book reviews, the state of book reviewing today, the need for diversity in book reviewers and in