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Celebrating the NBCC’s Emerging Critics: How Is a Book Critic Made?

Celebrating the NBCC’s Emerging Critics: How is a Book Critic Made? A conversation featuring the NBCC’s Emerging Critics Past and Present. Thursday, April 7th at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT. Online.   With Emerging Critics Fellowship program founder, past NBCC president, and current board member Elizabeth Taylor and Emerging Critics from each cohort, describing how

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NBCC at AWP22 On Comics Criticism: Graphic Novels as Both Literature and Pop

121BC, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 100 Level 1101 Arch St, Philadelphia

121BC, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 100 Level Saturday, March 26, 2022 12:10 pm to 1:25 pm Eastern The medium of comics is well-established as presenting works of literary value, but critical writing can be mired in a defensive position (not just for kids; not just illustration; not just a fad). Critics and culture writers discuss